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Suda51 says No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle is at the end of production, can't talk about EA/Mikami project, no plans to port No More Heroes

by rawmeatcowboy
20 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of a 1up interview with Suda51…

1UP: You’re working on No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle for release early next year. Can you give us an update on the game and the development process?

Suda: It’s the very end. If I had to say one word, I’d say it’s at the very end of production.

1UP: You’re working on a game with Shinji Mikami and EA. Can you give us any updates on when we might see something from that game? Maybe at the next Tokyo Game Show?

Suda: It’s up in the air whether we’re going to show something at TGS. EA has the right to decide to do stuff like that. We can only say that we’re working hard with Mikami-san, and trying our best to create the best game.

In the full interview, Suda discusses the possibilities of bringing No More Heroes to other consoles, and hopes that NMH:DS will be shown at E3. Click here for the full interview