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Monster Hunter 3 - quest schedule

by rawmeatcowboy
02 August 2009
GN Version 3.1

Event quests

* Festival of Goods on the Unmanned Island: 8/1 to 8/9 (HR1)
* Hunt Two Royal Dorosu: 8/10 to 8/18 (HR9)
* Hunt Four Dosjagi Consecutively: 8/10 to 8/18 (HR1)
* Famitsu — Clash of the Big Axes and Spears: 8/19 to 8/26 (HR18)
* Fishing Festival in the Submerged Forest: 8/19 to 8/26 (HR9)
* Front Lines of Equipment — Battle of Men: 8/27 to 9/8 (HR9)
* Hunt For Ancient Sharks: 8/27 to 9/2 (HR1)

Tournament quests (August 23rd)

* Arena Tournament! Defeat Kurupekko (HR1)
* Arena Tournament! Defeat Ragiakurus (HR1)
