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LEGO Rock Band - facts and rumors

by rawmeatcowboy
27 September 2009
GN Version 3.1

I’m not trying to be mean, but I really don’t think there are many people that are chomping at the bit for LEGO Rock Band. If there are, by all means get excited! Personally, I just can’t see much of a reason to be pumped up for the title. Rock Band is definitely fun, but the LEGO aspect still boggles my mind. Perhaps I’ll turn around once the game actually ships out.

Until that date, you can check out the link below to have a look at some facts and rumors about the game. We already know the core gameplay, so I think most know what they’re getting into. Still, there are some bells and whistles you might want to bone up on prior to release.

Article here (thanks Kolma!)