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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild includes voice acting in all cut-scenes

by rawmeatcowboy
25 January 2017
GN Version 5.0

A portion of a GameKult interview with Eiji Aonuma...

GK: “What motivated the choice of real dubbing for this episode? Is there a connection to the scenario or has the presence of recorded voices in all the current big games weighed heavier?”

EA: “In fact, we had gone to double only the major cut-scenes at the start. Characters that speak really in this kind of scenes but not in the rest of the game, it may sound weird but in practice, it is not disturbing. Until now, we did not duplicate the other characters because Link never talks and it seemed odd that everybody speaks vocally except him. But since Breath of the Wild contains a large number of cut-scenes , it has been decided to use dubbing actors for all sequences.”
