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Are First Person Shooters losing their appeal? Study says 'yes'

by deux michaels
21 July 2010
GN Version 3.1

Some highlights from the survey conducted by Blackdot:

* Most dramatic shift in gaming preferences since 2008: First-Person Shooter Games, once very strong with males, are now losing appeal. 20% decline in positive intent to play and 70% increase in negative intent.

* Puzzle Games remain extremely popular with female players. Action-Puzzle Games is a growing genre for both males and females.

* Traditional Board Games remain one of the most popular gaming genres, with 88% of females and 80% of males indicating a positive intent to play these games

* Most desired new trend of games is the ability to earn trophies and achievements.

* 49% of participants have a webcam, but only 17% use it.

* Very few participants have used their webcam for Augmented Reality games — while a quarter of participants don’t know what Augmented Reality is.

* Despite the growing attention focused on multi-player games, most people still prefer single-player gameplay.
