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Nintendo - Different team working on 2D Mario for 3DS, could Super Mario 3D World happen?

by rawmeatcowboy
13 March 2012
GN Version 4.0
A portion of an IGN interview with Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida's ...

IGN: Iwata-san mentioned during the last quarterly briefing that a 2D Mario is in development for the 3DS. So… do you happen to know anything about that? At this time, are you able to say whether or not you're in some way involved in this project? In other words, is it going to be Pro Skater Mario with Cockroaches 3D? [Referring to Hayashida's joking slides during his GDC panel]

Hayashida: So the team that makes the 2D Mario games is actually a different team, so I'm not involved with that project. But I do hope that you're looking forward to the eventual announcement with more details about that game. And as far as the pro skater Mario with cockroaches - I really hope everyone realizes it was just a joke! [laughs]

IGN: The concept of a bridging the gap between 2D and 3D Mario made for a game that was quite unique, yet still very Mario. You explored many ideas related to this concept in Mario 3D Land, but are there any that, due to time constraints, you weren't able to fit in and might want to use in the future? Hopefully in Super Mario 3D World? That's a personal hope of mine.

Hayashida: [laughs] I guess I'm happy to say that we didn't really have anything that we weren't able to include by the end of development. Maybe this is a good time to talk about something that went in very late that we were happy about, which would be the statue Mario power-up. So, people had always been asking us, will Tanooki Mario be able to turn into a statue in this game, and we realized that the special worlds could really use one more interesting new element. And so that was something that we put in very late, but we're very happy with how it turned out.

And, since you mentioned Super Mario 3D World as a potential direction, I have to say that I'm really happy to hear that, because personally Super Mario World is my favorite of the Mario games. I absolutely love that game, and I of course can't say that I'm going to be making a Super Mario 3D World, but the fact that you even said the word "World" made me happy.

Full interview here