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Is there a Boo-related game for the Wii U?

by rawmeatcowboy
04 June 2012
GN Version 4.0
We all saw the Boo icon during Nintendo's Miiverse demo yesterday, but is there really a game experience tied to it? Here's the info that can be gleaned from Nintendo Direct.

- In the Mii Wara Wara screen, a crowd of Miis were surrounding the Boo icon
- During the video, a player named “Lisa” is playing a game called “Chase”, which happens to feature the same Boo icon
- here are the messages we see about the Boo icon from Miis

“Great for parties, up to 5 people can play!”
“My parents are so easy to scare”
“C’mon and get me!”
“It’s easier to get away from the flashlight if you hide in the corners”
“Work with your partners to chase the ghost into the corner”
“I recommend this game to all the Dad’s out there, it gets the whole family together”
“lol, gotcha!”
“Any tips on this game? I’ve tried this game 10 times today but still can’t beat my bro”
“I always help my brother, the poor guy”
“I like wearing this hat thingy”
“Hide and Seek!”

What do you guys think? Is it a real game? Some sort of pack-in software? Is it nothing more than a proof-of-concept for the Miiverse tech?
