
While everyone knows Nintendo as a gaming hardware/software company, things have been shifting in recent years. Nintendo has been trying their hand at some unique expansions, and it’s clear those efforts are going to continue going forward.

Nintendo just held their 84th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, and with it came a question and answer session. One of the questions asked about Nintendo’s path forward, as well as their efforts with theme parks. None other than Shigeru Miyamoto stepped in to share some thoughts.

According to Miyamoto, there is a limit to how far Nintendo can reach through traditional game hardware/software. This is why Nintendo has been moving to expand the reach of their IP through things like mobile releases, theme parks, movies and more.

Miyamoto went on to say that he always tells Nintendo employees that they need to create reasons for consumers to choose Nintendo. Miyamoto reiterates the point that Nintendo doesn’t make things that people need, so crafting experiences people want is paramount. In going that route, Miyamoto believes they can shape Nintendo into a brand that families consider essential.

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