
How does any good rumor start? With a seemingly trustworthy source, of course!

We’re not quite sure who Syluxhunter is, but they’ve been eerily spot-on with their Nintendo leaks. For example, Syluxhunter confirmed the Oct. 28th release date for Bayonetta 3, and they also shared early details on the most recent Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase. Oh, did we mention they leaked these details on the same day as well?!

With that kind of insight, it certainly seems like Syluxhunter is in the know, rather than someone who made a few lucky guesses. That leads us to the scuttlebutt today, which is focused on F-Zero.

It all started with Syluxhunter sharing a binary code that translated into the phrase “You Got Boost Power,” which is something F-Zero fans will no doubt recognize. After that, Syluxhunter shared the following exchange on Twitter.

That’s certainly a more direct confirmation of something F-Zero in the works, but we’re still not quite sure what it is. It seems like this might be more of a remake or re-release situation, but since it’s been an ungodly amount of time since anything F-Zero popped up, we’ll take what we can get!

Thanks to Sligeach_eire for the heads up!

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Comments (5)


2y ago

I'm not being greedy, I'd be fine with an F-Zero GX remaster with added in online multiplayer please.


2y ago

Don’t tease me like this


2y ago

When are people going to stop trusting random Twitter accounts?


2y ago

Keeping my expectations reasonable because this is just a rumor but I would like to see an F-Zero Collection and maybe the "new content" would simply be online play for X and GX.

But if I had to be more realistic, my guess is "F-Zero 99" and made in the style of the SNES game.


2y ago

Anything new to keep the franchise alive is fine with me! It has been almost 20 years since GX I'm sure they can do something new by now!