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Jeremey Parish's Miyamoto interview leads to Nintendo predictions

by rawmeatcowboy
19 April 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Jeremy Parish is one of the most genuinely nice people in the games industry. He also happens to be someone that really knows his line of work. A lot of people fudge some things, but Mr. Parish is quite the knowledgable gamer. That’s why I am calling attention to his latest blog post.

Mr. Parish had the chance to sit down with Miyamoto, and talk Nintendo/Wii Fit to his heart’s content. Well, there was a roundtable session and semi one-on-one interview, but he still came away with a ton of information. His summaries have already been posted on 1up, but in his blog, he decides to make some predictions based on his time spent with Miyamoto. The legendary developer did not come out and confirm any of the stuff posted below, but it’s what he did say that makes Mr. Parish believe that all of this will be coming true.

Once again, this is not fact. These are the predictions of one gaming journalist.

- Punch-Out!! will be returning on Wii, with Balance Board support. (Source: I asked why Don King’s Prizefighter was the first boxing game to support the peripheral while Punch-Out!! was nowhere to be seen; he laughed and shook his hands and said, “I can’t talk about anything until E3!”)
- Pikmin for Wii (or maybe DS?) will be revealed next year. (Source: he says he’s “still trying to figure out what to do with Pikmin.”)
- New Zelda game to be revealed by the end of the year. (Source: He says the Zelda team’s gotten back together. Also, common freakin’ sense.)
- Online support for Wii Fit coming in an update. (Another “I can’t talk about anything until E3″ response.)

Well, which one of these educated guesses do you think will happen?
