
Journalist Paul Gale, who currently runs his own website and has appeared in Nintendo Power in the past, has claimed that the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is, or maybe was, at an earlier point in development, called The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Duality.

According to the intel, the sequel to BotW and its main hook is right in the name, which establishes on the “Breath” familiarity from the 2017 hit and giving a nod to the fact that you can play as more than the aforementioned title’s Link (including various, polar themes), hence “Duality”.

[Paul Gale]

He has no direct proof to offer, though he is in a position that could allow him to be privy to such info. Time will tell if his report is accurate.

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Comments (22)


2+ y ago

I just felt real butterflies in the stomach just by knowing a possible title!


2+ y ago

Certainly could fit. I've seen plenty discrediting the title because it "sounds weird", as if Breath of the Wild wasn't a strange title for a Zelda game. I'm almost positive at one point in time Breath of the Wilds name was instead "The Legend of Zelda: Sheikah Slate".


2+ y ago

Nope. I don't buy it. Don't think Nintendo would use the word "Duality" in the title and why would they keep the word "Breath" again? Seems a tenuous link to remind everyone of the first game, when we all know it's the follow-up to Breath of the Wild. And put altogether, it doesn't make sense to me.


2+ y ago

It's Nintendo, and they're unpredictable, but I'm gonna say this is not going to be the title of the next game. (I promise to eat my hat if it is, though.)

I really don't think they'll keep "breath" in the subtitle. The series is already "the legend of Zelda." They aren't going to run a sub-series theme in the subtitle. It's just not very Nintendo-like, and sounds far more like what someone would make up as a rumor.

Like, it wasn't "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Apocalypse."
It was "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".

Edited 3 times


2+ y ago

It would be ironic and slightly funny in a macabre way if it was the real name. Now that Nintendo have given up on dual screen systems and BOTW was released for and is a Wii U game, that scrapped its duality features(gamepad and TV) for Switch and a dual release. Plus, there's not much Breath left in Wii U and there won't be a duality this time, even though it would be possible.


2+ y ago

Amazon has posted it as a upcoming pre order

I agree with you for the most part... But for arguments sake, there was "A Link to the Past" and "A Link between worlds"


2+ y ago

Definitely not the title. It will not contain the word Breath, and breath of duality means nothing, makes zero sense, and fails to indicate anything particularly spoilerish about some key features or elements of the game that they wanted to keep secret by keeping the name under wraps.

Also there’s the whole part where this rumor doesn’t come from a direct source according to the leaker. This is purely speculative and probably filtered down through who knows how many sources, playing a game of telephone that might have only originated from a loose working title of the game or some random part of a design doc or a lore bible.


2+ y ago

‪Yeah, this is something that I don’t have any direct connection to, so definitely take it as a rumor. That being said, it was interesting enough that I felt it worthwhile to share.

We’ll see come E3.‬


2+ y ago

Mistranslation maybe? As long as they release it, I'm preordering. I know, it could be titled Dual Navi's, Navi *LISTEN!* harder.


2+ y ago

I dunno. Nintendo seems to enjoy game mechanics and stories that deal with duality as a concept (in Zelda alone we have the Dark World, the Twilight Realm, Majora's Mask taking place in a parallel world, Lorule, the bajillion timelines, probably some other stuff I'm forgetting).

It's not *that* far-fetched, especially as an early working-title, but at the same time I'm not really inclined to believe rumors that are fundamentally unfalsifiable. If the ultimate title winds up different and there's no playing as other characters, does Paul just go "Oh, it was true, but things must have been changed early in development"?


2+ y ago


That's a great counterpoint!
Completely forgot about that precedent set by "A Link Between Worlds."

Either way, I think most of us here will be excited to play the game no matter what the title ends up being :)

Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons cry silently in the corner.


2+ y ago

Surprised how many people here don't think "Breath" will be in the title. I mean, it's a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild, so it seems reasonable that the title would share something with the original title to link (ha) the two.


2+ y ago


I agree that I don't expect this to be the title, but in addition to ALBW which was mentioned, Nintendo has done thus before with other series that typically have separate, unrelated subtitles. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn came to mind immediately, as well as Kirby: Canvas Curse and Rainbow Curse. There's also Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes coming out this year which in a way is similar as well. I think there's a precedent for it. I don't necessarily think they have to include the word 'Breath' or 'Wild' in the title, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it happens as a way to tie the games together.

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago


Not everyone is so in the know. "We all" here is really only a small portion of the audience. It makes absolute sense for Breath to be in the title to remind people of the first game since this is a direct sequel..


2+ y ago

Nintendo have used the word “Duality” in Breath of the Wild - Edge of Duality is the name of a Shiekah crafted Sword made for the Knights of Hyrule.

With the apparent duality of going from surface to sky and being a direct sequel, the name fits imo.

“Breath of the Wild” was a meaningless subtitle anyways. Probably the worst subtitle for any Zelda game imo.

I’m hoping for “2 Breath 2 Wild”.

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago

BS. Aonuma already said that the title would spoil what the game is all about. THIS doesn't spoil anything.


2+ y ago

We won't know the name of the game until it's announced.


2+ y ago


Nah. Majora's Mask didn't need nor use Ocarina in its title. Sure it wasn't a direct sequel, but it used the same engine and was on the same system as OOT. Breath of the Wild is probably the least meaningful subtitle of a Zelda game that I can think of. There's no need or any real point in using it again.


2+ y ago

Ummm...Oracle of ages, Oracle of seasons, A link to the past, A link between worlds or in jpn its literally The Legend of Zelda: Triforce of the Gods 2 the 1st being just TLOZ Triforce of the Gods, I think Breath of Duality fits especially with it basically Meaning Breath of Two. Imma say its certainly a possibility but at the same time nothing is certain.


2+ y ago


If using the same engine meant anything for the title, thered be a lot more similar game titles haha