
Kadabra has been completely absent from the Pokémon Trading Card Game since the year 2000, disappointing fans for the past couple of decades. The reason behind this is thanks to Kadabra’s borrowing of the mannerisms of illusionist and magician Uri Geller. Geller sued Nintendo for using his likeness (and in Japan, a distortion of his name, Yungerer) without his permission back in 2000. Since then, there’s been a silent ban on new Kadabra cards. Finally, a couple of years ago, Geller apologized for his actions. He declared that he no longer minded if Nintendo published Kadabra cards, but new ones still haven’t shown up since.

According to a recent discussion with PokéBeach, things may finally be changing. Speaking with them, Geller indicated that Kadabra could be receiving a new card “soon, perhaps as early as December”. However, this is still unconfirmed and the info and timing could change. Geller also restated his feelings on the entire matter and what he regrets about his initial lawsuit.

The reason I changed my mind — first of all, I did a stupid thing for suing them. I was just angry that my name appeared on a Pokemon card out of the blue without ever being asked. The most important thing is in these 20 years I became a grandfather. I saw my granddaughters and I thought ‘Come on, you gotta release the Pokemon card back into circulation again.’ Hence my letter. And what a nice letter [Ishihara] sent back. I’m really happy about it. Now I run a children’s charity where you can become a citizen of an island I established in Scotland called Lamb Island.

[Uri Geller, PokeBeach]

Hopefully, this means that the Kadabra drought is almost over! Again, no official announcement has been made of any kind, but things seem optimistic. For a full breakdown of the saga and more potential evidence that a new Kadabra card is on the way, you can read the full article over at PokéBeach.

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2y ago

I only know the name Uri Geller from the legal situation he started with Nintendo all those years ago. So I guess suing increased awareness of him, otherwise he’d be still unknown to more people today.