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Pokemon news - Sun/Moon QR codes, Mew event, Comaster update

by rawmeatcowboy
07 June 2016
GN Version 5.0

Pokémon Sun & Moon - QR Code Details

- Pokémon Ga-Olé has new discs
- on these discs is a special QR cod
- these QR Codes are the first set of special Pokémon QR Codes that will be compatible with Pokémon Sun & Moon
- compatible through the QR Scanner

Pokémon XYORAS - Mew Event

- second chance distribution of Mew in Europe has become active again
- available by entering the code MEW2016
- can only be redeemed if you didn't obtain the Pokémon 20th anniversary Mew back in February
- available until June 30th 2016

Pokémon Comaster

- update with a new Trevo has been added
- available until June 14th
- Concept Trevo has higher rates to get Pokémon with EX being at 1%, R being at 3% and UC being at 5.2%
- new figure for Turtwig
- addition of Bagon and Machamp to the Trevo
- reset the challenges from June 25th in order to redo challenges on each stage
- when you do, you will get 3 Diamonds per challenge
- you can only get up to 120 Diamonds in this way
