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In shops and on Nintendo eShop now: DRAGON QUEST VII

by rawmeatcowboy
16 September 2016
GN Version 5.0

Travel to the past to save the present in DRAGON QUEST VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past, a timeless RPG out now on Nintendo 3DS family systems. Join young Auster and his friends, Prince Kiefer and Maribel, as they embark on a quest to restore long-forgotten lands in this huge adventure.

Using the power of mystical stone tablets, travel back in time and come to the aid of towns troubled by all manner of creatures and curses. You’ll have to conquer dungeons, solve puzzles and face hundreds of unique monsters in classic turn-based battles to shape worlds past and present.

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When you’re not rebuilding the world, there are tons of side quests and fun distractions to keep you and your heroes busy. As your heroes gain experience, assign them over 50 different vocations to teach them new spells and abilities as they grow stronger.

Should you happen upon a stone slab known as a traveller’s tablet, you can use it to access special dungeons where powerful enemies await. From launch, special traveller’s tablets will be distributed weekly via the Download Bar*. Some of these tablets will feature brand new dungeons filled with tougher enemies, whereas others will continue the game’s story after you’ve finished the main quest.

If you purchase DRAGON QUEST VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past from Nintendo eShop, you can receive the exclusive ‘DRAGON QUEST VII Bonus Theme’ HOME Menu theme*.

An epic journey awaits as you fight to restore a shattered world in DRAGON QUEST VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past, out now on Nintendo 3DS family systems. Read all about the adventures ahead at our official DRAGON QUEST VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past gamepage.

DRAGON QUEST VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past is available from shops and as a downloadable version from Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS family systems.
