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Super Mario Odyssey - gameplay info on the Wooden Kingdom, coins, controls, and much more

by rawmeatcowboy
13 June 2017
GN Version 5.0

- wooden kingdom is the home of the steamgardeners
- every kingdom has it's own strange creatures
- the steamgardeners water the flowers in the wooden kingdom
- yellow coins are good everywhere, purple coins are only good in the kingdom they come from
- Mario can change the music on the radio in this kingdom and dance along
- there a Sphinx in the middle of the woods
- the Sphinx asks you a riddle, and if you answer correctly, you get access to a new area
- 100 purple coins in each kingdom
- chasing bunnies returns, and some bunnies have hats
- the sky in the game has some sort of grid/dome around it
- if you fall into a hole in the woods, you can access a new area called the Deep Woods
- Mario can take control of a tree in the Deep Woods and bounce around as it to uncover a Moon hiding underneath
- the dinosaur from the trailer can be found in the Deep Woods, wearing a cowboy hat
- the kingdoms are filled with animals that run around and react to Mario
- you can find a robot storing a seed in the Deep Woods
- these seeds can grow vines to help you reach the surface again
- plants called uproots are enemies that have stretchy legs and wear plant pots on their head
- you can hit these enemies with your hat and then gain the stretchy leg ability for Mario
- if you hit enemies with their hat, take them over and then leave them behind, they remain dizzy for awhile
- this let's you recapture them without trouble for a limited time
- you can purchase items to decorate your Odyssey ship
- in-game signs teach you how to do moves
- there will be returning moves and new moves as well
- there is purple goop in the woods that you can splash away with your hat
- camera control with the right stick
- Mario goes transparent when you bring the camera in close
- you can throw the hat straight above you, depending on how you aim
- you need to collect a certain amount of moons to unlock the next kingdom