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Nintendo UK - Splatoon 2 Fan Art Competition

by rawmeatcowboy
06 July 2017
GN Version 5.0

Splatoon 2 launches on Nintendo Switch on July 21st, and on Saturday 15th July at the Hyper Japan Festival in London, we’ll be celebrating its imminent launch with a selection of Splaturday activities!

Alongside tournaments for teams that sign up on the day and general cosplay appreciation, we’d like to feature some of the best UK Splatoon 2 Fan Art at our stand as part of the festivities, and you don’t need to attend to enter!

No matter your artistic ability or style, we’re eager to see fans’ takes on the new trends, weapons and faces seen around Inkopolis in Splatoon 2, and to help show them off to other Nintendo fans both at the show and on the Splatoon Facebook page.

What’s more, the freshest sketch of them all will win a special Splatoon 2 bundle for launch on 21st July, including:

A copy of the Splatoon 2 game for Nintendo Switch
A Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Splatoon 2 Edition
A Nintendo Switch Accessory Set – Splatoon 2 Edition
An Inkling Squid amiibo
An Inkling Girl amiibo
An Inkling Boy amiibo
A selection of Splatoon inspired t-shirts from the Nintendo Official UK Store
To be in with a chance of having your work featured at Hyper Japan, and potentially winning that trendy treasure trove above, simply send your Splatoon 2 inspired painting or drawing to Nintendo UK. You can send it to our postal address below or, particularly if your art is digital, you can email your work to with the subject line “Splatoon 2 Fan Art”.

All entries close at 12pm on Wednesday 12th July. Get inking, and don't forget to check out the Splatoon 2 Direct for some fresh inspiration!
