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Switch Collectible Lunchbox Kit: Super Mario Odyssey Edition & Super Mario Odyssey keychain available at GameStop

by rawmeatcowboy
29 September 2017
GN Version 5.0

The Collectible Super Mario Odyssey Edition Lunchbox Kit for Nintendo Switch is officially licensed and only available at GameStop. Super Mario fans and collectors will love the classic style Lunchbox Tin and matching Joy-Con Comfort Grip. Simply slide in each Joy-Con to create one comfortable grip at home or on-the-go. Earbuds, screen protector, applicator and Super Mario Odyssey cleaning cloth are also included.

Officially licensed by Nintendo
Collectible Super Mario Odyssey Edition Lunchbox Tin
Super Mario Odyssey Joy-Con Comfort Grip
Includes earbuds for private playing, cleaning cloth, screen protector and applicator

Collectible Lunchbox Tin - Super Mario Odyssey Edition
Joy-Con Comfort Grip - Super Mario Odyssey Edition
Super Mario Odyssey Cleaning Cloth
Screen Protector

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