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Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon - Solgaleo & Lunala to receive new Z-moves, new Rotom Dex features

by yoshiller
10 October 2017
GN Version 5.0

According to this month's CoroCoro leak, the Legendary Pokemon Solgaleo and Lunala shall be receiving new Z-Moves in the upcoming 3DS games, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon. Solgaleo’s Sunsteel Strike will turn into Sunshine Smasher and Lunala’s Moongeist Beam will turn into Moonlight Blaster.

There is also some new information regarding the game's Rotom Dex. You will be able to communicate more directly with the it, and as times goes on, the Rotom Dex will help you find items and answer questions. Most notably, it is said to be using something called Z-Rotom Power, will allow you to use Z-Moves twice in battle instead of just once.
