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Attack on Titan 2 - DLC schedule/pricing, Treasure Box Edition info, more screens

by rawmeatcowboy
13 March 2018
GN Version 5.0

Attack on Titan 2 – Free DLC

Additional costumes – Pre-order bonus

Release date: launch day
Details: If you pre-order the game, you can get the following costumes for free:

Christa: Plain Clothes
Ymir: Plain Clothes

Additional costumes – Early purchase bonus

Release date: launch day
Details: if you buy the game at launch (or pre-order it) and before April 16th, you will get the following costumes for free:

Eren: Plain Clothes
Levi: Plain Clothes
Mikasa: Plain Clothes
Armin: Plain Clothes

Online mode: Predator Mode

Release date: March 29th
Price: Free (part of a Software update)
Details: special mode for up to 4 players, where you get to play as a Titan, and try to eat as many humans as possible. Characters such as Eren and Levi appear and try to stop you.

Attack on Titan 2 – Paid DLC

Deluxe Edition

Release date: launch day
Contents: full game + all the costumes listed below
Price: 109.99€ / £89.99 / $99.99 / 13,824 Yen

Season Pass

Release date: launch day
Contents: all the missions listed below, more TBC
Price: TBC

Additional costumes

Price: 2.99€ / $2.99 / 378 Yen each. Included in the Deluxe Edition.


Eren: Bad Boy Outfit – March 20th (March 15th in Japan)
Mikasa: Chinese Dress Outfit – March 20th (March 15th in Japan)
Levi: Leather Jacket Outfit – March 20th (March 15th in Japan)
Armin: Kiddie Outfit – March 27th (March 22nd in Japan)
Jean: Clown Outfit – March 27th (March 22nd in Japan)
Conny: Kung Fu Outfit – March 27th (March 22nd in Japan)
Christa: Cutesy Goth Outfit – March 27th (March 22nd in Japan)
Sasha: Cheerleader Outfit – March 27th (March 22nd in Japan)
Reiner: American Football Outfit – April 3rd (March 29th in Japan)
Bertholdt: Pajama Outfit – April 3rd (March 29th in Japan)
Annie: Motorcyle Outfit – April 3rd (March 29th in Japan)
Ymir: Pirate Outfit – April 3rd (March 29th in Japan)
Hange: Scientist Outfit – April 10th (April 5th in Japan)
Erwin: Knight Outfit – April 10th (April 5th in Japan)
Mikasa: Ninja Outfit – April 10th (April 5th in Japan)
Christa: Maid Outfit – April 10th (April 5th in Japan)
Sasha: Sports Outfit – April 17th (April 12th in Japan)
Annie: Pop Star Outfit – April 17th (April 12th in Japan)
Ymir: Shrine Maiden Outfit – April 17th (April 12th in Japan)
Hange: Detective Outfit – April 17th (April 12th in Japan)

Additional missions

Week 1 – March 27th

A Sudden Rain
Goddess Salvation
A Cornered Rat

Week 2 – April 3rd

Biological Research Scout Mission
White Out
Proof of Expertise

Week 3 – April 10th

Discouragement and the Leaning Tower
Singular Target
Attack IQ Championship

Week 4 – April 17th

A Titan Worth A Thousand
Skill Demonstration
Second Victory

Treasure Box Edition (available in Japan)

Official Survey Corps Records Collection (A4, 64 pages, full colour): the usual artbook with details and pictures about the characters, Titans, the world, and more
Soundtrack CD (33 tracks, 73 minutes, 4 pages booklet)
Characters pins (23mm x 29mm, 8 types): Eren, Mikasa, Levin, Ervin, Reiner, Berthold, Christa, Ymir
Premium Posters (A4)

[Link, Link]