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Etrian Odyssey X announced for 3DS

by rawmeatcowboy
10 April 2018
GN Version 5.0

Adventurers all over the world. Gather in the flying city of “Maginia,” and aim for the treasure on the remote island in the distant sea.

Under the decree of Princess Persephone, adventurers gathered in the flying city of “Maginia.” Wealth, honor, and possibly unknown adventure lies dormant in “Lemuria.” Keep your pride in your heart, and move forward—.

A Crossover of Classes

Create your party from 19 classes, including every class from previous Etrian Odyssey games and the brand-new “Hero” class.

The full list of classes is as follows:

Hero (New)
Prince / Princess
War Magus
Unprecedented Volume

Many untrodden labyrinths lie dormant in the new setting of “Lemuria, the Remote Island of the Distant Sea.” The volume of the game is the greatest in the series thus far. Draw maps to your heart’s content! Can you solve the mystery of an ancient civilization?

Refined Systems

A crossover of the series’ systems make for the highest quality game. Systems include character creation, sub-classes, Force Burst / Force Break, and difficulty levels. Systems unique to the series such as drawing maps with the stylus are also present.

First-Print Purchase Bonus

First-print purchases for Etrian Odyssey X will include the “New Adventurers Illustration Pack” downloadable content, which contains five class illustrations from guest illustrators. The full list is as follows:

Shigatake – Illustration Theme: Farmer
Yuki Takahata (FLIPFLOPs) – Illustration THeme: Gunner
Shirow Miwa – Illustration Theme: Nightseeker
Mota – Illustration Theme: Medic
Shigenori Soejima – Illustration Theme: Project Re Fantasy (Special Collaboration)

Director: Shigeo Komori (Etrian Odyssey series, Etrian Odyssey Untold series, etc.)
Character Design: Yuji Himukai (Etrian Odyssey series, Yoshinaga-san Chi no Gargoyle, etc.)
Composer: Yuzo Koshiro (Ys, ActRaiser, Etrian Odyssey series, etc.)
Monster Design: Shin Nagasawa (Etrian Odyssey, etc.)

Etrian Odyssey X will release on 3DS in Japan on August 2nd, 2018, and will cost 6,480 yen. You can check out the official site here.
