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Dragon Quest Builders 2 - details on story, takes place after Dragon Quest II

by nintendaan
13 April 2018
GN Version 5.0

The following translated details come from Gematsu...

- Dragon Quest Builders 2 is set in the world of Dragon Quest II following the events of its story
- corrupt cleric Hargon and the God of Destruction Malroth were defeated by the descendants of the heroes, and peace visited the land
- a religious order that inherited Hargon’s intentions appeared with the intention of eradicating the Builders
- peace that came after Hargon’s death collapsed with the rise of the ''Hargon Order''  
- Hargon Order spearheads the destruction of towns and castles all over the world
- earth falls into ruin, and there are little remains left of peoples’ lives
- but for a religious order whose goal is to destroy the world, a Builder with the power to create things is a major hindrance
- protagonist of Dragon Quest Builders 2, a Builder, was captured by the Hargon Order and thrown into jail
- previous update introduced a boy named Malroth, who has the same name as the God of Destruction Malroth
- Weekly Jump teases that there seems to be some sort of secret surrounding him