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Dream Alone slated to launch on Switch sometime in Q3/Q4 2018

by rawmeatcowboy
26 April 2018
GN Version 5.0

We have been very concerned about the well being of young Irra and so, we're happy to announce that Dream Alone will be released simultaneously on all available platforms. Now, anyone can help the brave boy save his parents from impending doom!

Welcome to the unforgiving and brutal world of Dream Alone, where grim fairy tales meet all the horror imaginable. You play as young Irra, who ventures forth to find a cure for a mysterious illness which has fallen upon his village, rendering all the inhabitants unconscious, as if they had fallen asleep in the arms of death herself.

However, still as we speak of death, there's a ray of light at the end of this gloomy tunnel! True, Irra must travel across frightful lands, solve mind bending puzzles and use his unusual abilities to avoid horrifying creatures. At the end of his journey awaits Lady Death, who is believed to possess other-worldly powers and has the ability to lift any curse.

It's not LIMBO, it's a literal walk through hell. Be prepared, because this fall Irra will need your help! Dream Alone launches in Q3/Q4 on Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Will you lend him a helping hand?

[PR email]