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Mana Spark - gameplay trailer

by rawmeatcowboy
07 December 2018
GN Version 5.0

Mana Spark is a challenging action RPG with deep souls-like combat and rogue-like elements.

Explore a dreadful dungeon and fight smart enemies that will plan and collaborate between themselves to defeat you.

COMPLETELY SKILL-BASED COMBAT: Each enemy has its own set of skills, behaviors and collaborations. Learn their patterns and discover their weakness before they lay their hands on you.

EXCITING PROGRESSION: Be responsible for rebuilding and maintaining your guild's village. Meet new characters, choose your traps, your weapons and keep track of your discoveries and unlocked content.

HANDCRAFTED & PROCEDURAL GENERATION: Designed to make each new run a completely new experience. Each room is handcrafted to get the most out of the combat, but you'll never explore the same dungeon twice.

[PR email]