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Fortnite's Marshmellow concert happening this Saturday, latest server-side update detailed

by rawmeatcowboy
31 January 2019
GN Version 5.0

Two bits of Fortnite news to share with you guys, and the first pertains to leaked info that we mentioned earlier in the week.

Turns out the upcoming Marshmello content for Fortnite is kicking off this week, as an in-game concert will happen this Saturday at Pleasant Park. We know the event is happening, as Marshmello has updated his real-life tour list to mention a stop in Pleasant Park. It's likely Epic will officially announce this event very soon, and give details on all the Marshmello content fans will be able to grab.

Next up, we have info on a server-side update that Epic put together for Fortnite. The update went live earlier today, and includes the following tweaks.

Battle Royale Bug Fixes

- Fixed players getting stuck at loading screens
- Fixed players continuing to see “Connection Lost” displayed in the UI, even while under good network conditions.
- Mobile - Fixed being able to edit structures through the Reset Edit button while holding it.
- Mobile - Fixed the keybind widget for quickbar slots not displaying on the HUD when using a controller on mobile.

Save the World Bug Fixes

- Fixed Ninjas losing the ability to use abilities and search/loot if they used Leap attack after Mantis Leap.

Creative Mode Bug Fixes

- Fixed torches not appearing in Creative.

[Link, Link]