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Pokemon Co. was afraid people wouldn't want to see a live-action Mr. Mime in Detective Pikachu

We both don't, and really do
by rawmeatcowboy
11 May 2019
GN Version 5.0

Detective Pikachu has numerous Pokemon in it, but none are getting the attention that Mr. Mime has garnered. Mr. Mime is just such a strange character overall, yet the weirdest depiction yet might be via Detective Pikachu.

Seeing a semi-realistic Mr. Mime is definitely a shock, but in a good kind of way! According to Benji Samit, screenwriter for Detective Pikachu, Pokemon Co. didn't think people would want anything to do with a live-action Mr. Mime.

“The Pokémon Company was a little hesitant. They were like, ‘Are you sure that people really want to see live action Mr. Mime?’”

It's one of those ideas that sounds horrifying on paper, but plays out so well in practice. The movie wouldn't be the same without Mr. Mime!
