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Nintendo UK supporting DanTDM on tour this Summer with Super Mario Maker 2, and you could be there

I have no idea who DanTDM is
by rawmeatcowboy
06 June 2019
GN Version 5.0

DanTDM will be touring the UK this summer, heading to four arenas across the country, and we’re thrilled to be supporting him on the adventure!

DanTDM presents The Contest in association with Nintendo Switch begins on Friday 28th June at The SSE Arena, Wembley, coinciding with the launch of Super Mario Maker 2 for Nintendo Switch.

The tour then heads to the Manchester Arena on Friday 5th July, The Arena Birmingham on Saturday 6th July before concluding at The SSE Hydro in Glasgow on Sunday 7th July!

Every member of the audience at DanTDM presents The Contest in association with Nintendo Switch has been placed in one of three tribes. These Tribes come from another dimension called Pexx! Dan really wants you to get behind your Tribe and, if you want, to dress in your Tribe’s colours. Learn more about the Tribes here.

Super Mario Maker 2 will be featured as part of the show too – you’ll have to wait to see what’s in store!

To celebrate the tour we’re giving away a family ticket to each venue, allowing you and three others to attend the show! To enter, simply reply to this contest tweet letting us know which location you’d like to attend (London, Manchester, Birmingham or Glasgow). Entries close on Sunday 16th June. For full details on the contest, please read the terms and conditions below.

To stay up to date with everything be sure to visit the official tour website, follow the official @dantdmontour Instagram account and the @dantdmlive Twitter account.

We hope to see you at one of the four venues this summer!

Full contest details here