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Dragon Quest: Your Story co-directors discuss how they changed up the character designs from Dragon Quest V

Visual overhauls
by rawmeatcowboy
02 August 2019
GN Version 5.0

Dragon Quest: Your Story is the upcoming CG film based on the story of Dragon Quest V. In an interview with Famitsu, co-directors Ryuuichi Yagi and Makoto Hanafusa talked about how they spruced up some character designs from the game to the film. Check out the details on Bianca's changes below.

Yagi: “For Bianca, we increased her spunky impression compared to in DQV.”

Hanafusa: “We made sure that she wasn’t ‘just a pretty girl’, but ‘a pretty girl with a standout personality’. In order to bring out her tomboyish side and differentiate her more from Nera, we changed her hair to be more tousled compared to the straight hair she has in DQV.”

Yagi: “The freckles she has were also to enhance that image and to not make her just another pretty girl.”

Hanafusa: “Her outfit is based on DQV, but if we were use it just like that in CG she wouldn’t look like someone who’d fight monsters, so we made it feel more like armor. The shape of Bianca’s cloak is quite special, with it tucked under her belt, then opening wide again. We worked to make sure the design wouldn’t feel incongruous with the rest of the design.”

Check out the full interview here