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Luigi's Mansion website updates with part 6 of Professor E. Gadd's journal; 'Gooigi's Weaknesses'

When the tough get gooing
by rawmeatcowboy
23 August 2019
GN Version 5.0

Nintendo has added another update to Professor E. Gadd's journal chronicling the creation of Gooigi. This entry takes a look at what Gooigi is weak to, so you'll want to make sure to stay away from these elements. Check out a blurb from the blog below, then click over for the full piece.

Having succeeded in imbuing Gooigi with his new, malleable ability, I began research into addressing his greatest weaknesses. With his vulnerability to fire or water, Gooigi was not yet perfect…

First, I tried reducing the molecular bonds in Goo, resulting in a mostly liquid version. My theory was that liquid Goo could
extinguish the fire, but alas, things did not work out. Although Goo did retain most of its properties while also being that much
closer to a liquid, it still melted the moment it contacted the flames.

Check out the full blog here
