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Snorlax plush now available at Build-a-Bear

Too cute!
by rawmeatcowboy
29 August 2019
GN Version 5.0

Build-a-Bear Workshop has added in the next must-have Pokemon plush to its lineup. Snorlax is now up for grabs, and the online option comes with all sorts of goodies!

Wake up, Pokémon Trainers! You're not dreaming—now you can add Snorlax to your Pokémon lineup! This Normal-type Pokémon has a round blue-green body with a cream-colored belly and a sleepy expression on its face. Its large, cuddly size makes the sleepy Snorlax anything but a snooze. This online exclusive bundle features Snorlax ready to doze off with a cozy robe, sleeping cap, 5-in-1 Snorlax sound chip and Build-A-Bear Workshop Exclusive Snorlax Pokémon TCG Card! Please note: due to Snorlax's extra-snuggly size, this furry friend cannot fit inside our standard-sized gift box or Cub Condo.

Grab yours here
