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Nintendo delays Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch bundle preorders in Japan due to production issues in China stemming from the coronavirus

An unavoidable delay
by rawmeatcowboy
06 February 2020
GN Version 5.0

Earlier today, Nintendo shared a statement on their official Japanese site about hardware/accessory shortages in Japan due to production delays in China. The delays are related to the coronavirus outbreak in China, and are obviously unavoidable.

Nintendo has now announced that the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch bundle is also going to be impacted by the production delays in China. Due to the coronavirus, the planned preorder date in Japan for the bundle has been shifted from Feb. 8th, 2020 to 'to be decided.'

It seems the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Switch case and Switch Lite case have both been delayed to 'to be decided' as well.
