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James Marsden talks about what he'd like to see in a Sonic the Hedgehog movie sequel

Big the Cat, of course
by rawmeatcowboy
12 April 2020
GN Version 5.0

Sonic the Hedgehog certainly turned out to be quite the box office success. While it's total box office cume turned out to be stifled a bit by the pandemic, it still managed to become the highest-grossing game movie here in the states. It's likely a sequel is in the works, and the first film certainly ends on a note that hints at more to come.

What would the movie's stars like to see in a sequel? Actor James Marsden talked to about his hopes should a sequel come around.

"Well I think we'd do a lot more of the same, but we would probably hopefully throw even more set pieces in there and more action sequences. I think we'd hopefully introduce some new characters, some beloved characters from the video game. If you stayed through the credits, you saw a little introduction to Tails. Hoping we'd see Tails come in. You know, who knows? The good thing is, is that hopefully when we come back to earth after this thing and we're still making movies, that Paramount will really fire it up again, and we'll just have double the fun."
