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Nintendo investor Q&A summary: Switch production, Switch in the middle of its lifespan, new mobile games coming, and more

Some new insight from the Big N
by rawmeatcowboy
07 May 2020
GN Version 5.0

Nintendo hosted their usual analyst and investor Q&A following their earnings report, but this time they held the event via conference call. Things were kept a bit more succinct this year, and you can check out a summary of what was discussed below.

- Nintendo says Animal Crossing: New Horizons was a major reason for sales being up this year in each region
- Nintendo has seen an impact in Switch production from the pandemic, but they believe it to be limited at this time
- it's expected that impact on production for Switch will be over by Summer
- most employees are working from home, which could impact their software release schedule
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons' digital sales accounted for about 50% of total sales
- Nintendo doesn't expect that digital ratio to continue, but obviously digital purchases will grow
- Nintendo believes they're barely in the middle of the Switch's lifespan
- Nintendo is looking at what they can do to be more flexible to accommodate players staying at home due to the pandemic
- Nintendo says the shift to working from home made quite an impact, but Nintendo is now learning what to do/not to do
- Nintendo is tying to ramp up production for Ring Fit Adventure so they can take advantage of the current consumer interest
- with Animal Crossing: New Horizons, interest spread from players in their 20-30s and women to family, friends and social media
- Switch Online paid users are over 15 million, & have increased due to Pokemon Sword and Shield, as well as Animal Crossing
- Switch numbers in China aren't really that big
- Nintendo has increased their ad budget, as they now want the Switch to reach those who don't play games
- Nintendo is planning new mobile games, but aren't ready to announce them
- Super Mario Run has passed 400 million downloads
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp saw active users increase thanks to the launch of Animal Crossing: New Horizons
