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Singapore’s Sentosa island launches virtual island getaway in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Enjoy a virtual vacation!
by rawmeatcowboy
08 May 2020
GN Version 5.0

As everyone stays home in the fight against COVID-19, Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) has launched Sentosa Crossing, a digital reimagination of Singapore’s very own Sentosa island in the popular Nintendo Switch game, Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The launch also marks the first Animal Crossing: New Horizons island getaway to be developed by a Singapore brand.

Released in March 2020, Animal Crossing: New Horizons has quickly gained a following globally with players escaping to their own virtual paradise while at home, transforming “uninhabited islands” into perfect getaways that their families and friends can also “visit”.

Located at the southern tip of Singapore and minutes from the city, Sentosa is known to many as The State of Fun, offering a diverse array of unique leisure experiences, all on one island. Sentosa Crossing thus unlocks further possibilities by leveraging on Sentosa’s iconic attractions and offerings to bring its island charm into players’ homes. Players visiting Sentosa Crossing will be able to explore a recreation of Sentosa – from beach bars to nature trails and even a spot for some yoga by the beach
(refer to annex for visuals of Sentosa Crossing offerings).

To #maketime for a virtual break and escape to Sentosa, players can register for one of the 36 free slots available each day to visit Sentosa Crossing (refer to “Getting to Sentosa Crossing” for details on registration).

Part of a series of free online leisure offerings, Sentosa Crossing is an illustration of SDC’s continuous efforts to explore innovative and novel solutions that deepen engagement with guests. Among other unique offerings launched recently for a Sentosa Stayhomecation:

- Sentosa Beats Party, a series of curated beats by DJs who have graced the decks of Rumours Beach Club and Tanjong Beach Club, to bring the beach club experience to guests at home.
- Sunset Therapy, a daily dose of golden-hour-calm hosted on Sentosa’s Instagram page.
- Guests who are looking to liven up their video conferencing parties can tune in to the Sentosa Cocktail Club, a tutorial series on Sentosa’s Instagram page featuring expert tips on how to recreate some of the cocktails offered on Sentosa.
- Virtual Yoga by the Beach, hosted on Sentosa’s Facebook page every Saturday at 4pm until 30 May.
- Keep up to date as we roll out more ways to indulge in a Sentosa Stayhomecation on the Sentosa website!

“Through our virtual offerings, we would like to encourage everyone to make time for an “island getaway” during these challenging times, as a break is important for one’s mental wellbeing”, said Lynette Ang, Chief Marketing Officer, Sentosa Development Corporation. “In addition, while exploring these leisure experiences, guests can also be inspired with ideas for future outings to Sentosa. We are planning to offer more novel leisure options for our guests and very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to The State of Fun again soon. Meanwhile, until we see you again, do stay home and stay safe.”
Getting to Sentosa Crossing

Sentosa Crossing is open for play from SGT 10am to 12noon, 2pm to 4pm, and 6pm to 8pm. Each two-hour window features three sessions of 30 minutes each and each session will be limited to four visitors for the best experience.

How to register for a session

1. Register here for a chance to visit Sentosa Crossing!

a. Players will be able to register for any of the subsequent three days. Eg. On Monday, registrations for play between Tuesday and Thursday will be open.
b. Slots are limited to four players per half-hour session

2. Answer our question of the week correctly and get a chance to be one of our virtual visitors. The four players who successfully register for each game session will receive an email confirmation. They will also receive another email containing a Dodo code 15 minutes before their slot.

3. Visit the “airport” on your island, key in the Dodo code and you will be transported to Sentosa Crossing!

For more information, please visit

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