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1971 Project Helios now available for Switch

Enter the dystopian world
by rawmeatcowboy
09 June 2020
GN Version 5.0

Reco Technology announces today the release of 1971 Project Helios. The game is available in the following platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC GOG and PC Steam.

Set in a dystopian world, scarce in resources and razed by extreme cold, 1971 Project Helios is a mix of turn-based strategy and RPG where you control a bunch of different characters, forced to put their differences aside to survive in a hostile world and find a scientist who could have the key to fix the world at last. Mixing exploration, turn-based tactical combat, resource management and dialogues, 1971 Project Helios offers a harrowing and challenging experience that will put your strategic and tactical skills to the test.

Players will control eight different characters who are joining efforts for a common cause: find a key scientist who was kidnapped by a powerful paramilitary society. In their struggle, they will have to face scavengers, investigate military settlements, and infiltrate the turf of a dangerous religious sect that repudiates technology. In all of this, players will have to use their resources carefully, improving their characters' skills, and fighting a wide variety of enemies in thrilling tactical combats.


Fight in turn-based tactical combats against three different factions, each one with their own units, strengths and weaknesses

Explore the vast world of 1971 Project Helios. From military facilities to medieval dungeons, each one of them is full of secrets awaiting to be discovered

Improve your characters' skill trees: unlock, improve and match different skills to create the perfect character

Manage your resources carefully to raise your HP, relive units or shorten your cooldowns

[PR email]