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Resolutiion "Red Plains" Update Announced

Seeing red
by rawmeatcowboy
05 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

The Infnite Empire is back! We are proud to announce that Resolutiion, the fast paced action adventure released in May, will be getting new content very soon. We're announcing the Red Plains Update which will hit the game in the near future. A first teaser trailer is now available.

Ascend into the Red Plains, where memories drift through fractured skies. The final journey of Valor and Alibii is nigh, and it will not end well for either. Don’t mind the dead astronauts along the way — they’re from the future.
Resolutiion’s first update features a new combat-heavy biome, expanding the lead-up to the finale. New enemies, friends, and a mysterious host will guide you through the Queen’s Gauntlet right into the Singularity.

Features of the Update:

New enemies: v4l0r, VLR, //|_=|>, and their Sequels
Various mini-bosses receive new attacks and abilities
A new area to explore
New otherworldly metal-tracks
The secret Not-So-Cow Level
Spanish Translation
Polychromatic: We'll unlock so far hidden pages in the offical Artbook
Plenty of Bug fixes and Improvements

[PR email]