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Fortnite's Marvel crossover teases continue with an in-game Thor comic

By Odin's beard!
by rawmeatcowboy
22 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

There's no doubt Season 4 of Fortnite is going to be Marvel-themed. Epic has confirmed that themselves via the official Fortnite Twitter account. While we wait for a few more details, some of what's to come is being slipped into Fortnite right now.

On the Battle Pass menu, you can spot a comic book hiding out in the corner. Open it up and you're treated to a snippet from the Thor/Galactus comic that's going on in the real world right now. That comic snippet paves the way for a rift that appears to be bringing Thor to the Fortnite universe.

Along with that, a new rift has appeared in-game at Catty Corner. There's obviously a connection between this rift and the one going on in the comic. Come Aug. 27th, 2020, I think we'll be seeing Thor and much of the Marvel universe tear into Fortnite through that rift.
