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Fortnite: Last Laugh bundle also releasing in Japan

Laugh it up!
by rawmeatcowboy
26 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

Warner Bros. has confirmed that the previously-announced Fornite: Last Laugh bundle is going to release in Japan as well. The title is due out sometime in Fall 2020, and will be priced at 3,300 yen. Check out a recap of what's included below.

Batman’s archnemesis, The Joker, arrives in Fortnite via The Last Laugh Bundle releasing on November 17. Check out all of The Joker offerings below including The Joker Outfit, Laugh Riot Back Bling, Bad Joke Pickaxe, The Joker’s Revenge Pickaxe, and the Pick a Card Emote.

A mastermind of chaos, The Joker is joined by adversaries old and new. Gotham City’s floral femme fatale Poison Ivy is ready to plant her roots on the Island, while Midas returns with the new Midas Rex Outfit.

The Last Laugh Bundle is available for digital or physical purchase and includes 1,000 V-Bucks.
