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Perky Little Things, a "sexy and hilarious hidden object game for adults," heads to Switch on Sept. 23rd, 2020

Oh boy...
by rawmeatcowboy
09 September 2020
GN Version 5.0

Perky Little Things is the hilarious 18+ adult cartoon, hidden object game. It's a story of cherubim, who travels to different worlds and helps people to find some love.

Explore various scenarios and put the hidden objects in the right places for your "naughty" satisfaction. Relax and unwind as you find yourself laughing uncontrollably through different scandalous levels.

Each level offers unique and different experiences with over 50 crazy animations for you to enjoy. Jump in and see what kind of fun you can get into.


Santa and his little helpers need your help! Some people this Christmas have been naughty. Search through the sexy christmas themed art to find the hidden objects and put them where they belong. Help Santa and his little helpers give people a Merry Christmas in more ways than one.


These Witches and Wizards solemnly swear they’re up to no good! Help them find their magical objects to receive your magical surprise.


Sail the seven seas with these swashbucklers as you look for treasure and other sorts of booty. Trust me treasure isn’t the only thing that’s on these pirates minds. These pirates are stranded at sea and need your help to find what they lost. Return the missing items to their owners for a special delight.


Vikings, Vampires, Sci-fi, Wild West, etc!Easy controls and easy instructions allow for a simple game that can provide hours of enjoyment while you solve the various matching scenarios.

Perky Little Things heads to Switch on Sept. 23rd, 2020, and is priced at £13.49 with a 10 percent pre-order discount.
