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Two giant Snorlax plushies (35 & 59-inch) announced for release in Thailand

Is Snorlax really worth $712? Yes!
by nintendojam
30 September 2020
GN Version 5.0

Looking for a massive Pokemon snuggle-buddy? Pokemon Thailand has got just the plushie for you. Available for pre-order in two sizes (35 and 59-inch) is a jumbo sized Snorlax, with shipments planned for sometime in October 2020.

Sadly, shipments will only be sent regionally in Thailand, so international folks will have to look elsewhere for their Poké-plushie needs. Priced at ฿4,595 baht and ฿22,500 baht (approximately $145 USD and $712 USD), you can check out the purchase page here!
