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Platformer "Nubarron: The Adventure of an Unlucky Gnome" heads to Switch on Oct. 1st, 2020

Gnome, sweet gnome
by rawmeatcowboy
30 September 2020
GN Version 5.0

Guide Gnome across the dangers of this twisted fairytale world. Can you break the curse that made that annoying cloud appear?

Gnome, one of the merry and lucky inhabitants of the forest, lost his lucky hat. This unfortunate event turns out to be a little bit more important than it may seem at plain sight. Gnome's hat was the source of his luckiness and with it gone an unpredictable thing happened. The stormy Cloud formed on top of Gnome taking the place of his hat.

Gnome wanted his luck back. And so, a shakespearean drama began…


- A Gorgeous Digital Painted Fantasy World
- An Amazing Orchestral Bgm
- A fantasy story with a love-hate relationship between Gnome and his Cloud
- A following Cloud that can be used to throw lightnings to solve puzzles and get rid of enemies
- Vast universe full of stories, creatures and awesome landscapes
- A fairytale story with a dramatic dark twist
- Classic platformer challenges and puzzles
- Amazing boss fights

Nubarron: The Adventure of an Unlucky Gnome comes to Switch on Oct. 1st, 2020, and is priced at $10. The game takes up 2.3 GB of space, and you can check out some gameplay below.