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Pokemon GO 5-Star Raid Boss update, and GO Battle League Season 5 shift

by rawmeatcowboy
16 November 2020
GN Version 5.0

Pokémon GO never slows down! There's always something to do, and you can get the latest info on what's around the corner below.

5-Star Raid Boss Change

- available now until November 23rd, 2020
- Cobalion, Terrakion & Virizion appear as the 5 Star Raid Boss
- in areas that don't have the Animation Week event, the raid bosses are changing to go with Cobalion, Terrakion & Virizion

GO Battle League Season 5

- shifted format to the Kanto Cup
- this allows for Kanto Pokémon with a max CP of 1500
- this format will run for one week, lasting until November 23rd, 2020
