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Get another look at the next slate of Marvel skins for Fortnite

Three marvelous skins
by rawmeatcowboy
21 December 2020
GN Version 5.0

Dataminers recently discovered the Captain Marvel, Black Panther, and Taskmaster skins are coming to Fortnite. We had a look at some of their features, but now a new wave of datamining has given us a complete look at the skins and their extra goodies.

Along with that, it seems we might be getting details on these skins later tonight. At 6:45 PM ET, Epic is launching "The King Returns" trailer for Fortnite, but they haven't said what it is. Black Panther is also known as the King of Wakanda, so this trailer could certainly be about him. That said, it could also be for the Ice King, a Fortnite enemy that appeared awhile back.
