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Lily: Shiroki Yuri no Otome-tachi S now available for Switch in Japan, gameplay footage shared

by nintendojam
22 January 2021
GN Version 5.0

Lily: Shiroki Yuri no Otome-tachi S from developer Disfact was released by publisher Mediascape via the Switch eShop yesterday in Japan, and Nintendo Hall has shared some first-look footage of the strategy RPG in action. Check it out above!

About the Lily Series
Lily: Shiroki Yuri no Otome-tachi is content that began release at Comic Market in 2015. It developed a cult following thanks to its passionate fans that resonated with its sensational story, which includes the creation of numerous fan art and screenshots. It is highlighted by its high-quality music created by Atsushi Morimori and Ham. Lily: Shiroki Yuri no Otome-tachi S is an easier-to-play remake for Switch based on the original Lily and jam-packed with all related works, such as the Lisblanc (Steam) and side stories.

Stress-Free Strategy RPG
Have you ever played a strategy RPG where probability was an issue? Accuracy rate, critical rate, growth balancing… Lily eliminates all random numbers, and puts every element within the calculations of the player. Also, since characters grow based on story progression, there is no need to earn those pesky experience points during battle. With a thorough focus on strategy and stress-free playability, this is the ultimate strategy RPG.

[Nintendo Hall]