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Translation for the Switch version of Gotta Protectors now complete, release news coming in the near future

Always use protection!
by rawmeatcowboy
05 February 2021
GN Version 5.0

All the way back in 2019, we learned that the Switch game Susume!! Mamotte Knight: Hime no Totsugeki Serenade was going to see release outside of Japan. We know the series as Gotta Protectors outside of Japan, and it seems we'll be getting our hands on the localized version soon.

According to a Siliconera interview with developer Karu_gamo, the translation for Gotta Protectors on Switch is now complete. As to when we'll get to play it, that's still up in the air. Karu_gamo said that there should be some details shared in the near future.

The translation of the Switch version of Susume!! Mamotte Knight has been completed. I’m sure new details will be revealed in the near future.
