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Deep Rock Galactic devs say Switch's lack of memory prevents a port, but a cloud version could be a solution

We can't dig it
by rawmeatcowboy
09 February 2021
GN Version 5.0

Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op FPS with 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, alien monsters, and more. It seems like a perfect fit for Switch, but sadly the game hasn't come our way. In an interview with TheGamer, we find out it's not for a lack of trying. Ghost Ship Games actually wanted to bring the game over, but the Switch's lack of memory prevents it.

"We talked to Nintendo a few times and we cried about the lack of memory. That’s the main problem - we’re using a lot of memory when we’re creating procedural caves, the destructible terrain, and such. We would need to branch it out and create a limited version that could work on Switch, but then we would have trouble updating both of those branches.

That means we're completely out of luck, right? Not necessarily, as Ghost Ship Games believes a cloud approach might be viable.

"The most realistic [solution] for the future would be to latch on to the streaming happening on Switch, like Hitman 3 and Control [have] done, but it’s not something we’ve investigated in a serious way at all."
