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Official PR - Konami Announces Silent Hill Shattered Memories Now Available for Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
09 December 2009
GN Version 3.1

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. - December 9, 2009 - Konami Digital Entertainment Inc., today announces that it has shipped the highly anticipated Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, the latest release in the renowned horror game franchise, which has spawned a long list of video games, books and movies. Winner of several “Best of E3″ awards, the game is the first Silent Hill title to be released on Wii™.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories begins much like the beloved original. The game opens to the scene following a car accident where the central character, Harry Mason, wakes to find his daughter Cheryl missing. Harry sets out into the snowy streets of the haunted town of Silent Hill to find her, and that’s where his living nightmare begins as he not only discovers the truth about his daughter, but also about himself.

The brand new interface requires players to survive with only a flashlight to navigate the darkness and a cell phone to use as a map, camera, and story-telling device. When players take a picture, they can zoom in to reveal hidden messages and clues that will help crack the case. This feature scores especially well in the Wii™ version as the motion-sensor of the Wii Remote™ serves as an extremely realistic tool, adding to the frightful storyline. In another unique twist, no weapons will be available to Harry - his mission is more to evade the encounters with the monsters, rather than to fight them head-on making this a true survival horror experience.

If the Silent Hill titles weren’t chilling enough, a new psych profiling system has been implemented in Shattered Memories that plays upon the player’s innermost fears. At the beginning of the game, the player finds themselves in a therapist’s office, where they take part in a psychiatric test. The results of this test are used to determine the player’s baseline profile. From there, the game constantly watches the player’s every move and adapts to their actions, offering a customized intense horror experience each time. Accompanied by an all-new soundtrack, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories offers the most terrifying survival horror game to date!

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is rated M for Mature by the ESRB and is now available in retail stores on Wii for the SRP of $49.99 and will be available shortly for the PlayStation®2 and PSP® for the SRP of $29.99. For more information on Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and other Konami titles, please visit

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