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Happy Birthday Pokemon!

by rawmeatcowboy
28 March 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Today is officially the 10 year anniversary of the Pokemon franchise. Can you believe that 10 years ago we had no idea what a Pokemon was, let alone having any idea how much of a powerhouse franchise it would become?! There have been a ton of Pokemon games put out over the past 10 years, and the hype never seems to die down. New games sell like crazy, the Pokemon cartoon is still on TV, and to this day I see kids playing the Pokemon card game. Pikachu has become a cultural mainstay, an instantly recognizable character by people that love the franchise, and people that have never played a single game. That’s a lot for Pokemon to accomplish in a 10 year span.

pokemon logo 3

Happy B-Day Pokemon, here’s to 10 more years.