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StreetPass NYC gears up for Super Mario 3D Land launch

by rawmeatcowboy
06 November 2011
GN Version 4.0

StreetPass NYC welcomes celebrating Mario’s newest adventure on the Nintendo 3DS by attending the Super Mario 3D Land Launch Party on November 12th at Military Island in Times Square (Broadway and 7th Avenue between 43rd and 44th Streets)!

“I’m going to be raffling off various Mario-themed prizes by a recreation of the Select a Chest Mini-Game from Super Mario Brother 3”, said Jordan White, Founder and Event Organizer of StreetPass NYC. “I will also be in my own hand sewn version of the iconic Tanooki Suit worn by Mario in the game!”

Nintendo will also be inviting people to play inside Mario’s 3D world with life size warp pipes, trampoline coin jumps and a flag pole finale!

Also included will be a performance from a mass group of Nintendo characters at the start of the event, a set of exclusive Tanooki ears and tails rewarded to fans onsite throughout the event (available while supplies last), a “Mushroom Kingdom” Pizza truck nearby offering free mushroom pizza slices to the first 1,000 consumers onsite that tweet using the #SuperMario3D hashtag.

Additionally, in advance of its official Nov. 13 release date, Nintendo is rewarding its biggest fans in attendance with an exclusive limited early sale of the game at Toys “R” Us located in Times Square on Nov. 12.

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