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Nintendo conference news - Sonic in Brawl, Monster Hunter 3 Wii, and more! (post constantly updated)

by rawmeatcowboy
10 October 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Conference is over, but more news, screens, and info should come in. I will continue to handle all that in this post.

IGN blog summary

IGN Blog here

List of titles shown - Dragon Quest IX, Fire Emblem DS, Mario Kart Wii, Famicom Wars Wii (Battalion Wars II), Super Mario Stadium Baseball, Wii Music, Star Soldier R Wii (WiiWare), Mojipittan Wii (WiiWare), Doctor Mario Wii (WiiWare), Pokemon Farm Wii (Wiiware title - Pokemon Diamond/Pearl transfers), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land (WiiWare title), Monster Hunter 3 Wii


- Nintendo plans to start a service center to help people set up the internet at their home, in order to aid them in getting online with the Wii.

- A DS download service is coming that will allow us to download DS demos from our Wii

- Wii Fit 12/1 in Japan. 8,800 yen

- Wii Vote Channel will be updated. Rate games you’ve played, search for games that fit your likes

- Mario Kart Wii, Spring 2008 in Japan, and there will be motorcycles, steering wheel included

- Sonic is playable in Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Sonic is shown, delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008, online co-op of some form (IGN translation may be wrong on this)

- Monster Hunter 3 was last heard to be for PS3, has now shown up for Wii. May not be exclusive, but the title is definitely coming to Wii (Update on this situation below). Series is massive seller in Japan

Monster Hunter 3 small screen, logo


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land website, art, screen

Game will cost 1500 Wii Points in Japan


- Check Mii Out Channel (November for Japan), Everybody’s Nintendo Channel (DS demo channel), Pokemon Farm is a channel as well.

- Hudson WiiWare titles (Japanese dates)

Joysound (Karaoke) Spring 2008
Star Soldier R Spring 2008 (pics below)
Bomberman Spring 2008


- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land team:

Tsuchida - producer
Toriyama - senario (FFX,FFX-2,FFXII RW,FFXIII )
Tanioka - music

- Monster Hunter 3 bigger screen


- Star Soldier R bigger screens


- More Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land screens


- Monster Hunter 3 has been removed from Capcom’s PS3 lineup and added to their Wii lineup.

- 3 conference pics


- Capcom press release for Monster Hunter 3

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) is pleased to announce the development of a new edition in its mega-hit “Monster Hunter” series: “Monster Hunter 3 (tri-)” for the Nintendo Wii.

 The “Monster Hunter” franchise is a series of action games that puts the player in the boots of a fearless hunter tracking down and battling huge and ferocious monsters all while traversing breathtaking natural environments. To date, the series has shipped over 4.5 million copies worldwide (as of September 30, 2007). The “Monster Hunter Freedom” series for the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system (referred to below as the PSP® system) makes use of Network Play to build upon the gaming experience, which has boosted its popularity, especially in the student market, and has also helped to make it the first PSP® game to sell over a million copies in Japan. The series has also been the recipient of numerous awards with “Monster Hunter” for the PlayStation®2 receiving the Award of Excellence at the Eighth Annual CESA Game Awards and “Monster Hunter Freedom 2″ receiving the Grand Award at the Japan Game Awards: 2007.

 Capcom has worked tirelessly on the latest title in the series, “Monster Hunter 3 (tri-)”, to utilize the unique aspects of the Nintendo Wii, which will create a “Monster Hunter” game unlike any of its predecessors. The attractiveness of the Wii experience is sure not only to please existing fans of the series, but also attract newcomers to this unique adventure.

 As always, we at Capcom will continue to strive to develop new and original games that appeal to a broad audience around the world while expanding our properties for multiple platforms. We believe that by bringing the “Monster Hunter” series to multiple platforms, it will help the franchise reach an even greater number of users eager for its unique gameplay.

- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games - 11/22 in Japan