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Dragon Quest character designer shares insight into what his job is like

by rawmeatcowboy
03 January 2017
GN Version 5.0

The following info comes from Akira Toriyama, character designer for the Dragon Quest series...

- Toriyama didn't even know what an RPG was when he took the offer to work on Dragon Quest
- had he known the series would go on for over 30 years, he would have declined the position
- he finds that designing characters for Dragon Quest games is fun, but also rather difficult
- Toriyama isn't interested in designing wholesome characters, so he doesn’t have many variations to offer
- coming up with designs becomes increasingly difficult every time
- Toriyama used to come up with a lot of fanciful designs, but most of those were shot down
- he loves designing mosnters
- thanks to more staffers, Toriyama doesn't have to do as many designs as he used to
- he plans to do his best for Dragon Quest XI
